BC, Canadian Union of Public Employees Button
- Project Button
- Client BC, Canadian Union of Public Employees
- Client Since 1992
- Sector Union
This button, produced in the aftermath of the 2001 attack on New York’s World Trade Centre, won a CALM award for CUPE – the Canadian Union of Public Employees. CALM is the Canadian Association of Labour Media.

Heat and Frost Insulators The Magic of Mechanical Insulation!
- Project The Magic of Mechanical Insulation!
- Client Heat and Frost Insulators
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Union

International Union of Operating Engineers Local 115 Union website
- Project Union website
- Client International Union of Operating Engineers Local 115
- Client Since 2014
- Sector Union
URL: www.iuoe115.ca/

Public Service Alliance of Canada Annual report
- Project Annual report
- Client Public Service Alliance of Canada
- Client Since 2012
- Sector Union
Read the 2015 Social Justice Fund Report.

Heat and Frost Insulators, Local 118 Promotional report on mechanical insulation industry
- Project Promotional report on mechanical insulation industry
- Client Heat and Frost Insulators, Local 118
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Union
BC’s mechanical insulators’ union developed this campaign to raise awareness about the environmental benefits and cost savings of properly installed mechanical insulation.
We also developed a website as a key component of the campaign.

Canadian Union of Public Employees - BC National Day of Mourning
- Project National Day of Mourning
- Client Canadian Union of Public Employees - BC
- Client Since 1992
- Sector Union

BC Federation of Labour National Day of Mourning
- Project National Day of Mourning
- Client BC Federation of Labour
- Client Since 1998
- Sector Union
We worked with the BD Fed’s Nina Hansen using a concept developed by US illustrator Mike Konopacki to develop the 2012 Day of Mourning poster. The event honours dead and injured workers each April 28.

Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC Education funding cuts campaign
- Project Education funding cuts campaign
- Client Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union
The Federation of Post-Secondary Educators of BC have been waging a campaign against BC government funding cutbacks targeting English as a Second Language programs at the province’s post-secondary institutes. We worked with FPSE’s Phillip Legg on developing some print materials for the campaign.

Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC International Women’s Day
- Project International Women’s Day
- Client Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union
For this International Women’s Day poster we used art by Favianna Rodriguez, a printmaker and digital artist based in Oakland, California, whose work is inspired and informed by the stylistic and radical impact of Chicano painters and printmakers.
Using high-contrast colors and vivid figures, her composites reflect literal and imaginative migration, global community, and interdependence. Whether her subjects are immigrant day laborers in the U.S., mothers of disappeared women in Juárez, Mexico, or her own abstract self portraits, Rodriguez brings new audiences into the art world by refocusing the cultural lens. Through her work we witness the changing U.S. metropolis and a new diaspora in the arts. Check out her work.

Hospital Employees' Union The Guardian
- Project The Guardian
- Client Hospital Employees' Union
- Client Since 1992
- Sector Union
Working Design has been designing materials for HEU – the Hospital Employees’ Union – since 1991 when we redesigned the flagship Guardian publication. That effort was awarded the first of many HEU design (and other) honours from CALM – the Canadian Association for Labour Media.
This 2016 edition shows the third Guardian redesign we’ve collaborated on with the union’s communications department. Not only does it feature a new look, reorganized content and some new sections, it also marks a return to full colour.

Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC Education funding cuts campaign
- Project Education funding cuts campaign
- Client Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC
- Client Since 1997
- Sector labour, Union

Canadian Union of Public Employees - BC CUPE BC Public Employee
- Project CUPE BC Public Employee
- Client Canadian Union of Public Employees - BC
- Client Since 1992
- Sector Union
In 2014 we updated the design of the CUPE BC’s Public Employee to reflect a changing of the guard in the union’s leadership. The PE has one of the largest circulations of any union publication in Canada. We’ve been proud to be associated with the magazine for more than 20 years, helping it win several awards from CALM – the Canadian Association of Labour Media.

Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC Fair Employment Week 2011
- Project Fair Employment Week 2011
- Client Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union

Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC Fair Employment Week 2009
- Project Fair Employment Week 2009
- Client Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union
This Fair Employment Week poster for the Federation of Post-Secondary Educators (FPSE) addresses two-tier wage scales for permanent and part-time college employees who do the same work.

Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC Hands Up for Education campaign
- Project Hands Up for Education campaign
- Client Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union

Communications, Energy and Paperworkers, Western Region CEP Western Region Organizing Campaign
- Project CEP Western Region Organizing Campaign
- Client Communications, Energy and Paperworkers, Western Region
- Client Since 2011
- Sector Union

Heat and Frost Insulators Union website
- Project Union website
- Client Heat and Frost Insulators
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Union
URL: insulators118.org

BC Federation of Labour Campaign identity
- Project Campaign identity
- Client BC Federation of Labour
- Client Since 1998
- Sector Union

Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC Union website
- Project Union website
- Client Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union
This educators’ association wanted a redesigned site with stronger visual appeal, and a private area where members could communicate. We simplified and streamlined their content, and added lots of images showing their membership at work. We also set up a login area, based on Open Atrium, where instructors and staff could collaborate and share information.
URL: fpse.ca

Unifor Local 2000 Union organizing site
- Project Union organizing site
- Client Unifor Local 2000
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union
Unifor 2000 is reaching out to digital workers in BC with its DigiUnion organizing campaign. This site focuses on attracting new members, focusing on their unique needs, and addressing their concerns.
URL: joinmediaunion.ca

Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC Fair Employment Week
- Project Fair Employment Week
- Client Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union

Unifor Local 2000 Union site
- Project Union site
- Client Unifor Local 2000
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union
Unifor 2000 is Working Design’s union. It represents about 2500 media workers across BC. In 2014 we redeveloped this site with a contemporary and mobile-responsive theme. We also revised the visual identity to mesh with the look of the newly-formed Unifor national union.
URL: mediaunion.ca

Unifor 333 Union site
- Project Union site
- Client Unifor 333
- Client Since 2013
- Sector Union
URL: unifor333bc.ca

Canadian Union of Public Employees Counterpoint
- Project Counterpoint
- Client Canadian Union of Public Employees
- Client Since 1992
- Sector Union
Our ongoing redesign of all print materials for the national office of CUPE (Canadian Union of Public Employees} – one of Canada’s largest unions – started with a thorough communications audit of the organization’s newsletters and the flagship national publication, Counterpoint. We restructured and redesigned the full colour tabloid. And it paid off! The paper won the 2011 award for Best Overall Publication from CALM, the Canadian Association of Labour Media.

Canadian Union of Public Employees Canary and Tabletalk
- Project Canary and Tabletalk
- Client Canadian Union of Public Employees
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Union
The overall redesign of CUPE’s newsletters features consistent typestyles and page structures. Each publication has a unique flag – the treatment for the publication’s name – and its own colour. The newsletters are devoted to four of CUPE’s main issues areas and, as a result, have different kinds of content which give them an identifiably different look. Canary is focused on health and safety issues, while Tabletalk is about bargaining. Two other newsletters – one about economic issues and another about international solidarity – will be redesigned in the coming year.

Unifor Media One Union site
- Project Union site
- Client Unifor Media One
- Client Since 2012
- Sector Union
Using a simple custom-made WordPress Content Management System, the Media One site allows CEP staff to update news, post images and manage the site for the union’s 1200 members.
URL: uniformediaone.ca

Pulp and Paper Workers of Canada Anniversary calendar
- Project Anniversary calendar
- Client Pulp and Paper Workers of Canada
- Client Since 1990
- Sector Union

CEP 2000 The Media Union Organizing campaign
- Project Organizing campaign
- Client CEP 2000 The Media Union
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union
Our union—the Communication, Energy and Paperworkers of Canada—needed sharp new materials to launch an organizing drive. The look conveys the image of a modern and progressive organization comfortable with new technology and the rapidly changing media environment.

Heat and Frost Insulators Local 118 Campaign website
- Project Campaign website
- Client Heat and Frost Insulators Local 118
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Union
BC’s mechanical insulators’ union built this campaign to raise awareness about the environmental benefits and cost savings of properly installed mechanical insulation. Their message is aimed at developers, other mechanical contractors, building owners, architects, engineers, politicians and senior staff at all levels of government, and the public.
URL: www.energyconservationspecialists.org

Pulp and Paper Workers of Canada Wall calendar
- Project Wall calendar
- Client Pulp and Paper Workers of Canada
- Client Since 1990
- Sector Union

Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC Members’ brochure
- Project Members’ brochure
- Client Federation of Post Secondary Educators of BC
- Client Since 1997
- Sector Union

Health Sciences Association of BC Run for the Cure 10th Anniversary logo
- Project Run for the Cure 10th Anniversary logo
- Client Health Sciences Association of BC
- Client Since 1992
- Sector Union

BC Federation of Labour Our BC Signage
- Project Our BC Signage
- Client BC Federation of Labour
- Client Since 1998
- Sector Union