Reports & Handbooks
One of Working Design’s specialties is designing and producing visually engaging reports and easy-to-use handbooks. We focus on the details and guiding readers through short or long documents.
Public Service Alliance of Canada Annual report
- Project Annual report
- Client Public Service Alliance of Canada
- Client Since 2012
- Sector Union
Read the 2015 Social Justice Fund Report.

BC Non Profit Housing Association Facilitator’s handbook and DVD
- Project Facilitator’s handbook and DVD
- Client BC Non Profit Housing Association
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Research
This educational DVD and workshop facilitator’s guide is part of a larger public education and research project examining access to housing for women leaving violent relationships. This package includes the facilitator’s guide as a PDF on an enclosed thumb drive, and a short video exploring the “Shedding Light on the Barriers to Housing for Women Leaving Violent Relationships: A Photovoice Exploration” project.

Heat and Frost Insulators, Local 118 Promotional report on mechanical insulation industry
- Project Promotional report on mechanical insulation industry
- Client Heat and Frost Insulators, Local 118
- Client Since 2010
- Sector Union
BC’s mechanical insulators’ union developed this campaign to raise awareness about the environmental benefits and cost savings of properly installed mechanical insulation.
We also developed a website as a key component of the campaign.

Columbia Institute Report on energy-efficient homes
- Project Report on energy-efficient homes
- Client Columbia Institute
- Sector Association
This Green House: Building Fast Action on Climate Change and Green Jobs examines a core idea:
Municipalities providing low-cost financing to cover the upfront cost of energy-efficient retrofits and
property owners repaying over time on their property taxes with their energy savings.

BC Centre of Excellence for Women's Health Women’s Health Guide
- Project Women’s Health Guide
- Client BC Centre of Excellence for Women's Health
- Client Since 2004
- Sector Health
The Women’s Health Guide was researched and written by the BC Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health and was produced by the BC government.

Women's Health Research Network WHRN Research report series
- Project WHRN Research report series
- Client Women's Health Research Network
- Client Since 2008
- Sector Health
Better Science with Sex and Gender is the first of three reports we designed for The Women’s Health Research Network. The organization was established to examine issues around healthcare delivery for women using an intersectionality analysis. This research focuses on a variety of factors that can affect women’s health and their care including race, income and geography.

Vancouver School Board Steering Kids Away from Gangs
- Project Steering Kids Away from Gangs
- Client Vancouver School Board
- Client Since 2002
- Sector Education
Steering Kids Away from Gangs is a booklet we designed for the Vancouver School Board and which has five different language editions.

BC Centre of Excellence for Women's Health BC Centre Tobacco Research reports
- Project BC Centre Tobacco Research reports
- Client BC Centre of Excellence for Women's Health
- Client Since 2004
- Sector Health